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Business Seminars and Workshops

Sample Seminar & Workshop Topics

“Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success.”
- Henry Ford

Behavioral Assessments:

Sustaining Motivation, Commitment and Productivity in Tough Times

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It's no mystery that good, targeted communication is a key element in maintaining high morale and productivity. But times are tough. Perhaps growth has stalled, hiring has slowed or your organization may be facing downsizing or reorganization and thus morale is diminishing. In this eye-opening and engaging presentation, your consultant will reveal how the use of behavioral assessments will give managers the key to unlock the motivators, inhibitors and morale boosters for each individual team member. Through live behavioral assessment examples from panel members from your organization, we will prove the invaluable power of the tool.

Transitioning to Management

Avoiding common pitfalls early in the game. As a new manager or a seasoned manager taking on a new role, you can't afford NOT to attend this session. Learn to determine your personal management style, identify and address challenges, set performance expectations, increase motivation, "read" your employees and build team respect. This session encompasses many more vital lessons that prevent classic pitfalls and lead to ultimate business success.

Effective Leadership and Team Building:

Elevating Management Teams

It goes without saying that the number one reason employees leave companies is "Poor Management". This interactive management training session was created to tackle core issues uncovered during years of management grievance consulting. If employees complained about it, we dissected it and formulated avenues for building a strong, cohesive team versus an alienated, disgruntled, bound to quit core. Managers will learn key management competencies such as confidence, credibility, communication, confidence and commitment. Other topics include:

Holding effective meetings

Strength of Accountability

Why it is "lonely at the top"

Being the manager a team works hard for 

Learning to share success

Effective communication skills

Social intelligence 

Selling Success -  Make It a Career Not a Hobby

"I like to think of sales as the ability to gracefully persuade, not manipulate, a person or persons into a win-win situation"

  - Bo Bennett

The art of successful selling is a learned skill not an innate ability, it requires work but the rewards are plentiful. This session will cover proven techniques of successful sales professionals. Sales skill-sets: research and planning, effective listening, uncovering customer needs, establishing credibility, gaining confidence and closing the sale.

Selling tends to get a "bad rap" but selling is the essential element to maintaining a thriving and fresh business. Sales must be viewed as a career, not a hobby. Discover the indispensable elements of selling as a profession such as time and territory management, prospecting techniques, behavioral relationships, and aligning products to match customer needs. Learning the habits of successful salespeople will lend to a smoother acceptance of a crucial job function.

Change Management

Change is inevitable. This seminar is designed to help you master change management. Learn to utilize the impact of change for future success, proactively prepare a plan, effectively guide your team through company shifts, efficiently monitor moral and support systems and lead change initiatives for a smooth transition, continued commitment and productive business continuity.

Next Level Customer Service

"If we don't take care of our customers, someone else will."


Customer Service is an Attitude not a Department. Exceed expectations to transform new customers into loyal, repeat customers. Learn key elements to motivating employees, making a lasting impact on customers, overturning negative experiences and enhancing your company's image and reputation.

Effective Hiring Techniques: 

Hiring the right people for the right jobs and retaining your top performers

"You can teach a turkey to climb a tree, but it's easier to hire a squirrel."   -Spencer and Spencer

This session will ensure that you will be prepared with everything from developing succinct job profiles to dissecting resumes, qualified candidate identification to essential interviewing techniques.  An employee was a top producer in his/her last position and wanted to move into a new role, so you granted the opportunity. The result was a mistake for the associate and the company leaving you with two open positions and the loss of a star employee in only a matter of months. Sound familiar? The most important part of your business is your team. Get it right the first time around!

Exploring Personal Development

This session is created for investment into the growth and personal development of your individual contributors. Topics covered include: 


*Improving Behavioral Awareness of Self and Others

* Active Listening and Managing Up

*Increasing Influence

*Identifying Growth Opportunities and Mapping a Course to Improvement

*Managing Difficult Conversations

*Taking Control of Goal Setting and Personal Expectations

Skills for Delivering Effective Presentations


How many times a day do you interact with another human being; your boss, your co-worker, a customer, your significant other? Learn how to make effective presentations whether one on one or before any larger group.

Tapping Into Your Top Potential

Shaping Your Voice, Your Path and Your Possibilities

This session benefits all levels of team members looking to enhance professional skills and future career focus.  Topics Include:


*Learning to Positively Use Your Voice and Share Your Knowledge

*Team Leadership and Positive Influence

*Enhancing Business Communication Skills

*Self-Awareness and Adapting to Other Styles

*Strategic Thinking and Planning

*Career Pathing; Finding Your Future and Setting Course

Time Management

You can't manage time, you can only manage what you are doing while time passes. Stop being a victim to the circumstances around you; learn how to manage your activities during the day to increase your production and overall job satisfaction. Your ability to learn this skill will separate you from the pack.

Motivation, Empowerment and Overcoming Mental Obstacles

You are a strong, smart, powerful professional and anyone would be lucky to do business with you, right? So why are there times that you doubt yourself? Why are there times you don't "Go for it?" What is holding you back from conquering that big sale? Overcoming a career obstacle? Taking the leap? In this interactive and engaging presentation you will learn to harness your inner strength, establish continued motivation, create actionable steps toward your goals and renew your commitment to success. Whether you are at the top of your game or at your lowest point, you'll leave energized, enlightened and with the power to unleash the "you" that you know you can be. Uncover the breakdown process of understanding and overcoming mental fear/barriers in regard to sales and other areas of business and personal life. You will learn to stop saying, "Why me?" and start saying, "Why NOT me!"

Motivational Boost: Dreamers Becoming Doers

"Dream Big!" "Dare to Dream!" There are so many motivational quotes out there to get us excited and encourage us to aim for the stars, but the key isn't just to dream it, but to DO it! Taking the leap from dreaming to doing is not an easy one but it is possible. In this engaging presentation you will learn to create actionable steps toward your goals, identify ways to overcome internal fear and self critique and renew your commitment to success. Whether you are on your way to achieving a goal or you are still in the dreaming stage, you'll leave energized, encouraged and with the attitude of not can I leap, but how high can I fly?

Selling for the Non-Salesperson

Some people don't set out to become a "salesperson" and yet they find themselves in situations and positions which require sales abilities. This interactive and eye-opening presentation will help demystify sales and offer invaluable insight into not only conquering the sales process but aide in overcoming the fear and apprehension surrounding the job. Learn skills such as identifying your sales strengths, understanding customer perception, adapting to personalities and customer needs, structuring effective dialogue and solid closing techniques.

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Have a topic request? Let us know! We will be happy to tailor a workshop to your company's needs.


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